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作者:网络 | 来源:哈尔滨师范大学 郑德杨 官方网站 ☆ 郑德杨·小逗丁 欢迎您 | 时间:2009-10-13 | 阅读权限:游客身份 |
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So, you know, it is what it is, but Americans are totally annoyed by the use of "whatever" in conversations.

The popular slacker term of indifference was found "most annoying in conversation" by 47 percent of Americans surveyed in a Marist College poll.

"Whatever" easily beat out "you know," which especially grated a quarter of respondents. The other annoying contenders were "anyway" (at 7 percent), "it is what it is" (11 percent) and "at the end of the day" (2 percent).
"Whatever" 轻松击败"you know(你知道)"位居榜首,另有四分之一的受访者称最讨厌后者。其它入选最惹人厌的用语还包括"anyway(总之;反正)(7%)","it is what it is(这就是事实)"(11%),以及"at the end of the day(到头来)"(2%)。

"Whatever"--pronounced "WHAT'-ehv-errr" when exasperated--is an expression_r with staying power. Immortalized in song by Nirvana ("oh well, whatever, nevermind") in 1991, popularized by the Valley girls in "Clueless" later that decade, it is still commonly used, often by younger people.
"Whatever"是一个带有忍耐意味的表达,在语气加重时,它常被说成"WHAT'-ehv-errr"。涅磐乐队于1991年演唱的一首歌曲使whatever这个词被人们记住(其中出现歌词oh well, whatever, nevermind)。而在同一年代的后期,影片《独领风骚》中的山谷女孩又使这个词广为流行。如今,这一词汇仍然很常用,它在年轻人中尤为流行。

It can be an all-purpose argument-ender or a signal of apathy. And it can really be annoying. The poll found "whatever" to be consistently disliked by Americans regardless of their race, gender, age, income or where they live.

"It doesn't surprise me because 'whatever' is in a special class, probably," said Michael Adams, author of "Slang: The People's Poetry" and an associate professor of English at Indiana University. "It's a word that--and it depends how a speaker uses it--can suggest dismissiveness."

Adams, who was not involved in the poll and is not annoyed by "whatever," points out that its use is not always negative. It also can be used in place of other, neutral phrases that have fallen out of favor, like "six of one, half dozen of the other," he said.

But the negative connotation might explain why "whatever" was judged more annoying than the ever-popular "you know," which was recently given a public workout by Caroline Kennedy during her flirtation with the New York U.S. Senate seat vacated by Hillary Rodham Clinton. "You know," Adams notes, is a way for speakers to seek assent from others.
它的否定意味或许可以解释为什么"whatever"要比一直流行的"you know"更令人讨厌。最近卡罗琳·肯尼迪一时兴起,有意竞选希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿离任后空缺的纽约州联邦参议员席位,她在那段时期的一次访问中频繁使用"you know"这个词。亚当斯称,"you know"这个词是说话者寻求赞同的一种方式。

Pollsters at the Poughkeepsie, N.Y. college surveyed 938 US adults by telephone. The margin of error is 3.2 percentage points. The five choices included were chosen by people at the poll discussing what popular words and phrases might be considered especially annoying, said spokeswoman Mary Azzoli.

附:Whatever 随便的流行用法

大家都认识whatever 这个常用词,也一定知道它是不管什么的意思。不过,你知道时下特别流行的whatever 的另一种含义吗? Is 'whatever' being used in a new way?

现在,只要你说whatever时的语调有所改变,带着一种无所谓的感觉,那么whatever的另一种意思——“随便”就诞生了!关键就是在发音! 是不是很有趣?那就快来听听下面例子中whatever是怎么发音的。点击下面的链接直接听或者右键另存为把声音保存下来都可以。

Listen to this example

A: Hey, let's go to the cinema tonight. Or maybe the theatre. Or what about the museum?
B: Yeah, whatever.
A: You don't sound very interested.
B: Whatever.

例子中男生说whatever 的特别语调,摆明了一副晚上爱去哪儿就去哪儿的事不关己的态度,随女生怎么安排。他的这种无所谓的姿态实在叫人恼火。

生活中,如果你在说 whatever 这个词的时候用了一种特别的语调的话,那么就表示 you are dismissing someone, you are showing disinterest in them。你想说“随你便,不关我的事儿”,而且还给人以轻视,没兴趣的感觉。


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